Simple Prayer of Surrender
Lord Jesus Christ, I completely surrender myself to Your perfect will—body, soul and spirit—for now and all eternity for You to do whatever you choose with my life. I am no longer my own property, but Jesus Christ’s. I now choose to make only those decisions that will fully glorify God Almighty and that will bring people to Christ, and will teach Your Word. I yield myself to daily prayer and to serious study of Your Word, and to the winning of souls to Christ, and to planting churches here and anywhere in the world that You may choose. Equip me and prepare me now for Your perfect plan for my life. Make me a hard worker for You. Fill me with your Holy Spirit daily. Give me a hatred for sin and a love for Jesus Christ and true holiness. Make me a bold servant of yours. Help me to hear and obey Your voice always. I totally renounce the Devil and all his works. Give me a great love for God, the Bible, and people, and to have eternal values, now and always. A-men!