This testimony is my attestation of Salvation of my 90-year old mother on
December 13, 2009.
This is aimed to touch the heart of every unsaved individual reading this blog.
May you be blessed by my mother’s Story of Salvation!
Passage of Scripture (KJV): Ephesians 2:8-9
Ephesians 2:8: “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:”
Ephesians 2:9: “Not of works, lest any man should boast.”
Not long after I got saved in 1996 (when my mother was only 77 years old), I started to pray that God would touch my mother’s heart so that she would come to trust Christ in her own free will and get saved by His precious blood. For many long years, I prayed and prayed and prayed and prayed, asking God to save my mother before she dies. But because my mother lives in Murrieta, California (north of San Diego), while I live in Raleigh, North Carolina -- I must confess that there were only a few times that I witnessed to her, both in person and over the phone. The first time I witnessed to her in person was when my wife and I visited her a few years ago: we took her to a Bible-based church; I gave her my testimony on how I got saved and how I changed; and I walked her through the Bible for the first time explaining the Gospel of Christ and the importance of Salvation. I felt all my effort was useless as it was like penetrating a hard rock. The Catholic influence on her was so strong that she wouldn’t even consider seeing the truth from the Word of God. Instead, she kept looking at the Catholic tradition. Like my brothers and relatives, they were afraid of accepting the Biblical truth about Salvation as they thought that “born-again Christians,” which they mocked, is a completely different religion. To me, the results of all my effort in witnessing to her were both disappointing and scary: I was disappointed because at the end, she almost threw the Bible to my face saying, “We were born Catholic, we should die Catholic.” I was scared because all I could think of was that my mother was going to hell when she dies. Yes, I was frustrated but did not stop there. I continued to pray for her Salvation. Since I believe in the power of prayer, I also asked many of my born-again Christian friends and family to pray on her behalf.
A few years later after my first soul-winning encounter with her, I tried and tried again to evangelize her over the phone. Most times, I found myself spending anywhere from one to two hours talking to her on the phone (with tears on my eyes) about the goodness and righteousness of Christ and about Salvation. The results were all the same as before: her heart was as hard as a rock. She still embraced her Catholic religion, regardless of what the Bible says about Salvation.
I was wounded, but full of faith to the Living God: I stick to what the Bible says in Luke1:37: “For with God nothing shall be impossible.”—thus, I continued to pray.
My Mother’s Final Wish
Then, in May 9, 2009 – my mother turned 90. As her health started to deteriorate, including her memory, she decided to go back to the
My Burden to Lead my own Mother to Christ
Finally, on December 12, 2009 (Saturday) – my 6-year old grandson and I flew to see my mother in
God Heard my Prayers
Lo and behold, God heard my prayers: On the morning of December 13th (Sunday), while at my brother’s house in Murrieta, CA—as my grandson and I prepared ourselves to visit Calvary Baptist Church (an Independent Baptist Church in Temecula, California, which I found in the Internet), to attend the morning Service—God opened up an opportunity that I asked my mother to come with us to the church. Although she hesitated at first (knowing that it is not a Roman Catholic Church), I finally convinced her to come. Inch-by-inch, one step at a time, my grandson and I walked my mother very slowly, from the parking lot to the Church Auditorium. As the morning service went on, I noticed that she inter-acted very well to the flow of the Congregation—she sat down; she stood up; she shook people’s hands; she sung hymns from the Hymnal Book and read through the Scripture as I guided her with my finger through each stanza and verse. It was such a great feeling as I see her inter-acting with the Worship Service. The sermon at the time was focused on The Magi’s Visit to the Baby Jesus in Matthew 2:1-12. As I carefully observed her during the entire Worship Service hour, I noticed that she was listening to the Pastor (as he delivered the Message) intensely and patiently, and glancing to the Scripture once in a while. I held and kept the Bible open in front of her for her easy viewing. Although she did not respond to the Pastor’s invitation for Salvation, I was able to discern what the Holy Spirit was trying to tell me: Not to worry, because He was in control. Then, while still inside the Church at the end of the Worship Service – all of a sudden the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart saying that I park the car on the side of the road, on the way out driving home, to lay out the Gospel to her one more time. This was entirely different from what I originally planned, that I would talk to her in private when we get back to my brother’s house. God made me realized that talking to her inside the car, on the side of the road, was the most private moment I could have to minister with her quietly and seriously.
How my 90-year old Mother got Saved
I did exactly what the Holy Spirit allowed me to think: I parked the car on the side of the road as we headed home. I was on the driver’s seat; my mother was at the front passenger’s seat; while my grandson was in the back seat of the car. Having two Bibles on my hand (one English/King James Version and one Tagalog version) – I started by telling my mother that I would like to spend a few minutes to explain to her one more time the importance of Salvation.
As she showed her interest in my request, I started by laying out to her the Five Steps to Heaven: (1) that she should acknowledge the fact that she has sinned, per Romans 3:10 and 3:23; (2) that she should realize that there is a penalty for her sin, per Romans 6:23a and Revelation 21:8; (3) that she should know that Christ paid the penalty of sin for her, per Romans 5:8; (4) that she should accept that Christ wants to give her the free gift of eternal life in heaven, per Romans 6:23b; and (5) that she should believe in Christ and ask Him to be her Savior, per Romans 10:9-10 and 13. I was reading through the Bibles (both King James and Tagalog versions) showing her slowly every verse mentioned above and making sure that she truly understood every single verse we read.
As I read carefully with her through the verses, she started getting convicted when I briefly explained the wages of our sin, which is death (Romans 6:23a) as this is the main reason why Jesus had to die on the Cross. She started crying, which became heavier and non-stop – a sign of true conviction.
In addition, I read and explained to her Luke 16:19-31 (the story of The Rich Man and the Beggar) —while reading in both King James and Tagalog versions—explaining to her the fact that Lazarus (the beggar) died and opened up his eyes in Heaven while the rich man died, but he opened up his eyes in Hell; and the fact that there was no purgatory being mentioned in the passage of the Scripture (contrary to the false doctrine of the Roman Catholic). I also explained to her the part when the rich man was begging Abraham that he would send Lazarus (the beggar) to his father’s house for he has five brothers, that Lazarus may testify unto them fearing that they (too) would also end up to the same place of torment, called Hell. Then, after my brief explanation of the passage, I asked her where did she want to open up her eyes – Heaven or Hell? She answered, “Heaven,” and she continued to cry.
Finally, I told her that she, and only she, could make a decision for her own Salvation. Not I, not any one else. She then decided to accept Christ as her Lord and Savior, and we did exactly what the Bible says in Romans 10:9. As we held hands together in the front seats of the car (both of us crying), I led her to Christ by leading her to a short prayer of Surrender confessing with her mouth the Lord Jesus, repenting her sins, believing in her heart that God has raised Him from the dead, and accepting Christ as her Lord and Savior. She repeated every single word I uttered during the prayer and I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit within us.
It was a joyful and heartfelt experience for me, especially hearing my mother repeatedly saying “Thank you, God! Thank you, God!” (in Tagalog, “Salamat sa Diyos! Salamat sa Diyos!”) after we prayed, with tears in her eyes and conviction in her heart.
My 90-year old mother got saved and was born again on December 13, 2009, not based on the Roman Catholic’s false doctrine of Salvation, but based on the true doctrine from the Holy Bible. The Bible, indeed, is crystal clear – Ephesians 2:8 says, “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:,” while Ephesians 2:9 says, “Not of works, lest any man should boast.”
It was a Joyful Moment
Oh, what a great joy in my heart to see my own mother getting saved. Now I know for sure that my mother will see the
Even the angels in Heaven were rejoicing when my mother got saved. The Bible says in Luke 15:10: Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.
After She Got Saved
Last time I visited with my mother in
Praise the LORD
“Praise ye the LORD. O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.” (Psalms:106:1)
“Who can utter the mighty acts of the LORD? who can shew forth all his praise?” (Psalms:106:2)
This testimony was written by Manny H. Moe - Founder of The Young Pigeons Ministry.